It didn’t take me long for me to determine what I’m most excited for regarding the upcoming WordCamp San Franciso event. I have lived in South Dakota my whole life, and I can easily tell you that it’s not exactly a central hot bed for WordPress based activity. Couple that with not being able to afford traveling very often, and you could tell that one would feel a bit isolated from the rest of the large WordPress community. I’ve been participating in this community consistently since 2010 and have only been to one other WordCamp- last October’s WordCamp Philly 2012. I’ve publicly called WordCamp San Francisco the Super Bowl of WordCamps and believe that if you can only make one WordCamp for the year, WCSF would be the one to make.
That said, I am definitely excited to finally have a chance to meet and hang out with all of these people I’ve been interacting with on social media/forums/IRC for the past three years. It’s one thing to talk with them online, it’s a whole other thing to talk with them in person over a drink and food. You never know what ideas may hatch or life changing connections may be made by meeting with such an amazing community in the flesh. I can not wait to shake hands with everyone I can, while saying “Hi, I’m Michael, you may know me as @tw2113“.