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WDS@WCSF 2013: Interview with Corey

WordCamp San Francisco is fast approaching and I’m excited about it for a few different reasons.

For starters, this will be the first time I’ve ever visited the west coast. In fact, until this past April when I visited Austin, Texas, the farthest west I had ever been was Tampa, Florida. That’s sort of sad. I’ll finally be seeing more of this great land that we live in, which is a pretty good reason to be excited – plus, I hear they have killer burritos out there. Also, I just bought like 15 tank tops that I’ve been wearing non-stop despite the almost-daily rain in upstate New York. I’ve been trying to trick myself into thinking it’s summer, but maybe I won’t have to be tricking (illusioning?) myself much longer.

Of course, the main reason any of this is happening is because of WordPress. This will be just my second-ever WordCamp. I’m just a babe in the woods at this point, but I’m always eager to experience something different and to have the chance to meet new people.

My first WordCamp was in Philadelphia this past October and it really opened my eyes to the scope of the WordPress community. I’ve been working in WordPress since 2008 or 2009 (I think… the memory’s a bit fuzzy as I approach 30), but I never really got into the community aspect of it until I started working for WebDevStudios. Until that point, I was mostly just working on projects on my own or for friends. Now, though, I was working with other WordPress geeks who knew other WordPress geeks who knew even MORE WordPress geeks.

To me, this is another step into the community of WordPress. Another step to make new contacts and meet new friends. Another step in the process of learning new and exciting things about WordPress, which is a journey that never seems to stop.

To sum it up, I’m excited to learn.

And to eat burritos.

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