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WDS@WCSF 2013: Interview with Brian R.

me_brFor the last four years I have been saying to myself, “I need to go to WCSF.” I would quickly talk myself out of it, though, by saying, “No, no, it’s too expensive and I can’t get away for that long.” Then, as the event started to take shape and people began tweeting about it I would kick myself and say, “Next year, next year I have to go!” only to repeat the same cycle once again.

Well this year I’m finally going, and I’m bringing 12 of my awesome coworkers with me!

In spite of missing WCSF for the past 4 years I have been able to attend (and also help plan) several WordCamps now, and have met a number of great people along the way. For me, that is the absolute best part about WordCamp — meeting incredible people in real, 3D space. Many of the people on my list to meet for the first time at WCSF are my own co-workers, surprisingly enough, because we’re all so remote. If you’re attending, and we haven’t met, be sure to pull me aside and say hello!

Two other must-do’s for #WCSF are eating at In ‘n Out and getting a smoothie from Jamba Juice. I’ve been to San Francisco once before (for a wedding) and both of these institutions blew my mind. I cannot wait to go back.

If you’re reading this and are on the fence a out whether or not you should attend a WordCamp, do it! They happen all around the world all throughout the year, so inevitably there is one happening not too far from you. They are absolutely worth your investment!

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