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CyberSource and 2Checkout Add-Ons for iThemes Exchange

WebDevStudios is proud to announce two more add-ons for the iThemes Exchange plugin! We now have three total add-ons for this easy to use Ecommerce option; the first being the PayPal Pro Add-On. All three of these add-ons are payment gateway options for the iThemes Exchange Plugin so customers can use their existing payment gateway with the Exchange store. The goal is make it feel seamless when going through the checkout process.

Now, to introduce our two new add-ons, CyberSource and 2Checkout.

With the CyberSource Add-On, you have the ability to accept credit cards on your site, via the CyberSource payment gateway.

How To Use The CyberSource Add-On:

To get started, enter your Merchant ID, Live Transaction Security Key and Test Transaction Security Key on the CyberSource Add-on settings page.

Select your transaction sale method: Authorize and Capture or Authorize.

You can also enable and disable CyberSource Sandbox Mode and change the purchase button label.

The 2Checkout Add-On allows 2Checkout members to use their account to purchase items off of your site. This option is for members only. After clicking on the purchase button, the customer will be redirected to the 2Checkout payment process.

How To Use The 2Checkout Add-On:

To get started taking payments through 2Checkout, enter your 2Checkout SID and Secret Word on the 2Checkout Add-on settings page.

In the add-on settings you can choose Credit Card or PayPal as the default payment method.

You can also enable and disable test 2Checkout Demo mode and change the Purchase button text to whatever you prefer.

WDS is very excited about this on-going relationship with iThemes and we can’t wait to continue making Exchange awesome for users. If you want to learn more about the iThemes Exchange plugin and these add-ons, you can visit their site!

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