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Pacific Northwest PHP, Developer conferences, PHP developers, PHP education, PHP classes, PHP learning, become a developer, connect to developers, web development,

Pacific Northwest PHP is coming up very soon and kicking off the beginning of fall September 10th-12th in Seattle! A bunch of PHP nerds will be getting together to share their knowledge and meet other awesome folks in the tech community, and yes, some of our folks will be there too!

One of our awesome devs, Ben Lobaugh, will be speaking, and you won’t wanna miss it!

Here’s more info about his presentation, as well as a few others that piqued our interest:

Friday, September 11th

11 AM – Massively Scaling WordPress in the Cloud – A Case Study – Ben Lobaugh

With over 23% of the web utilizing WordPress as a content management platform, it has become a powerhouse, but can it scale? In this session, Ben will show you how he leveraged the Azure Cloud with WordPress to scale a real client site to ten million hits per hour.

3:30 PM – Project Triage: What to Do When It All Hits the Fan – Eryn O’Neil

“Hope for the best and plan for the worst.” We spend a lot of time talking about best practices: the ways we should run our projects and write our software so that everything turns out as well as possible. But when you add human beings to the mix — whether they’re coworkers, clients, or, well, you and I — something will eventually go wrong.

Using case studies from the interactive agency world (where no two clients are ever the same), we’ll talk about methods for triage, what to do when you sense a project is on shaky ground, and ways to ensure everyone gets to the other side in one piece.

Saturday, September 12th

10 AM – Refractoring 101 – Adam Culp

We hate to refactor (the practice of altering code to make it cleaner, simpler, and sometimes faster, while not altering functionality). Adam will talk about how to do it better and cover when to refactor, how to refactor, why refactor, and how a refactor can help us write better code in the future. He will also cover a common methodology and steps to follow while refactoring, and provide resources to help us all on our refactor journey.

Will you be there? Make sure you grab Ben and say hello. If you can’t attend, but want to live vicariously through the internet, follow @PNWPHP and peep the hashtag #PNWPHP.

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