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What WDS Did for Five for the Future: July 2016

Last week, Brad popped in to tell you about the changes we’ve made to how we do Five for the Future. We had our first full day of #5FTF, rather than two hours per employee every Monday, last week, and I’m here to forward details from the team about what we worked on!

We had five teams:

Team BBM, working on the migration framework

We’re working on a free version we can release to the repository!

John researched and reviewed documentation, created graphics for, and started work on readme.txt file for .org release.

Jeremy worked on the unit tests for the migrations framework in preparation for more sweeping changes to the plugin. The existing unit tests weren’t passing properly, so he spent the day working through all of the failures to get the to pass so that he could start off in a good place. In the process, he did some code cleanup, and corrected numerous issues with the tests themselves.

Team Bangarang, working on CMB2

Benjamin added support for clearing the search field placeholder text in wd_s when the field is clicked on and then adding the placeholder text back in when focus of the field is lost. He also updated the CMB2 documentation for the colorpicker field to include the changes made that allow configuring the Iris default options.

Team Pirate Party Parrots, working on wd_s

The team had a call in the morning where they added issues (new requests/features/bugs) to wd_s on Github, then assigned those issues out to each member of the team. After that, they went for it!

Greg managed all merges and wd_s repository on Github as a whole, and acted as the “gatekeeper.” He also helped squash a bunch of bugs. Corey did several CSS updates, and some JS updates to bring wd_s forward with responsive modals, updated to proper button styling/functionality, and did research into the possible SEO impact of including title tags in SVG output. Will brought up a number of items that became issues for the team to work on this morning during the call, and contributed to helping work those out.

Allison strengthened mobile styles for default nested comments, added new template tags for additional features re: read more / excerpts, brought wd_s up to snuff re: comments, and worked on finding the best way to crunch that IE bug. Jo squashed some wd_s issues, including making default responsive table styles and worked out an IE button bug.

Team #MakeDonaldDrumfAgain, working on the Mega Menu Plugin

Zach added an options page that allows controlling the menu depth from the UI, instead of needing to be set in code. This page is set up in a way to be easily extensible for additional options. Zach said this was a great way to familiarize with more of WP’s menu system. Chris did a “buttload of commits” and led the team.

A Scream Team, solo projects

Parbs did some work for the next version of vv, then tested new features. He also is working on developing Docker version of vv.

Matt tested ES/EP performance issues, aggregation research, tested updated mappings for ngrams/synonym filters and must/should match boolean queries, as well as debugged pagination with ES and localhost issues with ES VM. (Pssst…he wrote a tutorial on integrating ElasticPress into WordPress awhile back, too!)

Carrie worked on Alcatraz theme. She added a new page option to the page metaboxes that allow the user to override the site’s default layout option (which is usually boxed, boxed content, or full-width). This is really helpful when working on a site that you typically want to have say, a boxed layout, but maybe on a landing page want to have a full-page layout (where rows and images stretch the entire width of the screen). She also worked on making improvements to the navigation Sass.

Jay built in multi-server support to my JSON API for WooCommerce. The only thing left is the Java portion, which isn’t WordPress related, and will be done on his own time. Significant refactoring was done on how commands were saved and displayed to the JSON API as well as new drop-down elements to allow users to add/remove servers and select said servers for commands to be executed on. This was one of THE MOST requested items on this plugin, and is now complete, thanks to #5ftf time!

To sum up what this plugin does, it bridges the gap between WooCommerce, and Minecraft. Jay’s creation of the JSON endpoint for WooCommerce, the Java plugin (installed on the Minecraft server) reads data FROM WordPress and executes commands based on that data. Having a JSON endpoint on WordPress side of things allows pretty much unlimited possibilities, but does require the accompanying Java code to translate it into game readable information.

Eric worked on creating a WP theme with React/React Router/Redux and the WP-API. He did a lot of code refactoring, integrated Material UI, and a bit of styling to make the site at least look presentable.

Damon caught up on WP Contributions plugin as haven’t been touched in awhile. He closed a few issues and added shortcode feature.

Aubrey released version 1.3.9 of Easy Photo Album, which updated a two year old plugin to work again in the latest WP 4.5.3!

Shannon worked on refactoring an old plugin to get it ready for re-release, making it play nicely with the Settings API and TinyMCE.

Ben worked on refactoring and bug hunting on the WordPress Statsd plugin.

We were all over Twitter, sharing our WDS selfies and more! We’re stoked about this new way we get stuff done–the consensus was that we got to rally more enthusiasm and focus, which made us way more productive in how we’re giving back to WordPress.

Thanks for joining us on the ride! We’ll see you next month, folks!

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