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Five for the Future Fever

At WebDevStudios (WDS), our passion for giving back to WordPress is at fever pitch. Whether we’re working on a plugin, developing a WordCamp talk, tackling support tickets, or mentoring others, our team members are on a constant mission to pay it forward and do something selfless for WordPress. We will be doing that exactly that tomorrow, Friday, February 28th for Five for the Future, a WordPress initiative designed to encourage WordPress companies and agencies like ours to donate 5% of company time to the WordPress core and community.

Marty O’Connor, Frontend Engineer

“Five for the Future is pure fun,” says Marty O’Connor, Frontend Engineer. “Once a month I’m reminded of WebDevStudios’ commitment to WordPress, when it sponsors ALL of its employees to give back directly to the community. This seems fitting, since we stake so much of our company’s success on the success of WordPress.”

Sal Ferrarello, Senior Backend Engineer

Senior Backend Engineer, Sal Ferrarello, agrees, saying, “I’m a big fan of giving back to the open-source community. At WebDevStudios, I get dedicated time to contribute to open-source and I get to do so alongside our top notch team. WebDevStudios’ Five the Future is an amazing benefit!”

Participating in Five for the Future is not limited to WDS and WordPress agencies alone. Anyone passionate about WordPress can be involved. One, begin by making a pledge. Just head over to and state how many hours you or your company would like to donate per month. Then, keep that commitment by spending some of your work time giving back to WordPress. Read this blog post for five ways to participate in Five for the Future. WDS has even hosted a swag giveaway in the past to motivate other WordPress users and developers to get involved. Shout out to Debabrata Karfa who won a WDS hat in December for his contribution.


We love to tweet our Five for the Future contributions! Look what we tweeted last month. Follow WDS on Twitter and the hashtag #5ftf to see what our team is doing to give back. We hope that you will join us tomorrow.


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