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Giving Thanks for Five for the Future

All day, every day, our WordPress agency is grateful for open-source technology. That’s why we give back to it. By consistently participating in Five for the Future, an initiative designed to encourage businesses like ours to donate 5% of company time to WordPress, we put our gratitude into action.

While many will be spending Black Friday shopping and recovering from a turkey hangover, our WebDevStudios (WDS) team will use their workday to give back to WordPress and the community. That’s right. It’s time for another Five for the Future (#5ftf) Friday at WDS on November 27th.

Be sure to follow us and the hashtag #5ftf on Twitter to see how we are giving back, and take a look below at some of our most recent Five for the Future contributions shared on Twitter. We’re thankful for your support and wish you a safe and joyous Thanksgiving Day.

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