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Doing Our Part for Five for the Future

WebDevStudios (WDS) is back at it! Tomorrow, August 27, 2021, our WordPress agency is spending the day giving back to WordPress via the Five for the Future (5FTF) initiative. That means our team will be working on WordPress support tickets, contributing to the core, developing plugins, writing WordCamp and WordPress events talks, and doing all we can to power WordPress.

WDS is so passionate about 5FTF that we presented a WordFest Live talk on how we make it successful at our WordPress agency. Plus, we blogged our advice for implementing 5FTF at your company.

Both the talk and blog post gained a lot of attention and traction, proving that WordPress people are excited about and supportive of this WordPress initiative. They should be, and so should you!

Giving back to open-source technology is what keeps it alive. So, when you pledge your dedication to contribute to WordPress, you’re a part of the power behind it. The entire WordPress community appreciates your contributions.

Take a gander at what our 5FTF looked like last month. You’re invited to follow us on Twitter and the hashtag, #5FTF, to stay updated on our activities tomorrow.

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