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WebDevStudios Helps Five for the Future Flourish

It’s that time, folks. It’s time for WebDevStudios to shut our virtual doors and sponsor our team’s contributions to WordPress. That’s right. Tomorrow, February 23rd is Five for the Future Friday. WebDevStudios helps Five for the Future flourish through plugin development, volunteering for the WordPress Support Forum, creating WordCamp talks, and many other ways. Remember, though, anyone can help Five for the Future flourish. That means you, too.

Why You Should Help Five for the Future Flourish

While contributing to Five for the Future (5FTF) is not a mandatory requirement, it’s still a responsibility. Why? Because WordPress is an open-source platform, its growth is dependent upon its community. That means that WordPress wouldn’t be what it is today without the contributions of developers, designers, and users.

5FTF History

Launched in 2014 by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, 5FTF advocates for organizations to allocate 5% of their resources towards WordPress development. The goal is to maintain a balanced ratio of contributors to users, ensuring the sustainability and growth of the platform.

Participation in Five for the Future has soared since its inception, demonstrating the community’s commitment to collective progress. Regardless of one’s expertise or background, everyone is encouraged to join. Whether your strengths lie in technical aspects like core development or in areas such as marketing, translation, training, or community engagement, there’s a niche for you to make a meaningful impact.

Contributing Is Rewarding

Think about it: participating in 5FTF is an unparalleled learning opportunity. Contributors collaborate with passionate innovators, gaining insights and expertise that can’t be gleaned elsewhere. Additionally, organizations stand to benefit significantly. Participation in WordPress contributions offers cost-effective training and growth avenues compared to traditional programs. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Here are some compelling reasons why all individuals involved in WordPress should help Five for the Future flourish:

In essence, 5FTF participation is about investing in the continued success and vitality of the WordPress ecosystem for generations to come. Don’t you want to be a part of that?

At WebDevStudios, we definitely want to get involved. Take a look at a few of the ways we participated in 5FTF last month. We hope these examples inspire you to get involved, too!

5FTF Posts on X

Internal 5FTF Posts on WebDevStudios Slack

I got some feedback on the PR  I submitted for the Advance Query Loop plugin, so I’m going to work on that. Also, I’m going to contribute to the Venezuelan translation team by translating Aslam’s plugin Search Attributes for WooCommerce. –Jennifer Farhat, Frontend Engineer

My plan for the day is to dig in and see if it’s possible to recreate one of the convoluted CT ACF blocks as a custom Gutenberg block, and if so what that would look like in the editor. –Garrett Baldwin, Backend Engineer

I am going to build and launch my personal website/blog. Also publish or at least start a draft publication of my first blog post on some interesting WordPress/code topic. –Jairo Perez, Senior Backend Engineer

Dynamic blocks stuff today! –Inna Gutnik, Senior Frontend Engineer

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