You may have already heard from WP Candy, but WebDevStudios would like to formally welcome you all to meet our newest member, Brian Richards! Brian is the newest addition to our development and we are very excited to put him to work!
Brian Richards is the designer-turned-developer behind the the StartBox theme framework. He spends 80% of all waking hours at a keyboard either creating or solving problems. He has been using WordPress since December 2007 (version 2.3) and has had a hand in launching over 100 WP-powered sites before hanging up his freelance career in 2011.
Brian graduated with a BS in Photography from Grand Valley State University in 2008, which he claims has been tremendously helpful when coding in PHP because they both begin with “ph.” Brian is also the current ranking most remote employee at WDS, hailing from beautiful West Michigan. He’s a co-organizer for both the WPGR monthly meetups and WordCamp Grand Rapids 2012.
Welcome Brian! We are happy to have you on the team!