Watch out Miami, WebDevStudios is taking over!
Brad Williams, Brian Messenlehner, Lisa Sabin-Wilson, and Jayvie Canono from our team here at WDS will be speaking at WordCamp Miami this year. Bringing to the table their expertise in development, design, and all around intelligence of WordPress — this will be a learning experience for all.
Our team will be speaking on topics that cover these topics: scoping out projects for better project management, designing for development, BuddyPress and using WordPress as an application framework. So make sure you swing by and advance your knowledge of all things WordPress!
WordCamp Miami 2013 is stepping it up and doing something that has never been done in the U.S until now! A 1 day BuddyCamp that will be held on Friday, April 5th. Learn all things BuddyPress from the various developers that definitely know what they’re talking about!
Along with team members speaking, WebDevStudios is also sponsoring WordCamp Miami in 2013! So make sure you attend this event packed full of information! And don’t forget about the after party hosted at Finnegans River on Saturday, April 6th where you can connect with people who love what you love!