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Brian Richards and Lisa Sabin-Wilson speaking at WordCamp Chicago 2013!

Screenshot_on_6.13.2013_at_2.26.41_PMThis year at WordCamp Chicago 2013, WebDevStudios has two team members speaking! Brian Richards and Lisa Sabin-Wilson will be attending, speaking, and sharing their knowledge about WordPress with all of the eager minds looking to learn.

Brian Richards is speaking on the Commercial Themes & Plugins panel. This Q&A session is taking place on Saturday, June 29th at 4:oo PM in the engineer track.


Creating sites for a specific client is one thing, but creating them for the masses is completely different. This panel of commercial theme and plugin authors is here to answer questions about anything and everything.

Lisa Sabin-Wilson will be speaking about Scoping Projects to Reduce Stress, Headaches and Angry Mobs. This session is taking place on Sunday, June 30th at 1:30 PM in the foreman track.


Attention to detail in your code and design work is important – but before you lay down one single pixel, or one single line of code, you need to make sure that everyone (you, your client, your clients client, etc) are on the same page and make sure you are managing expectations on what the desired project outcome is.

This 30-40 minute covers hard lessons I’ve learned in a decade of client work – I hope to pass those headaches on to you so you don’t make the same mistakes.

If you’re attending WordCamp Chicago, make sure you stop by and say hey to Brian and Lisa. As always, they are excited to meet and greet with people they know, and people they have yet to meet!

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