SXSW, if you didn’t know, is a huge gathering of the brightest minds, greatest artists, and impressive film creators. This event is being held from March 7th – March 16th in Austin, Texas. If you have trouble trying to find it, just look up, you won’t be able to miss it. This year, Brian Messenlehner and Lisa Sabin-Wilson will be attending SXSW for the interactive portion — “An incubator of cutting-edge technologies and digital creativity, the 2014 event features five days of compelling presentations and panels from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders and an unbeatable lineup of special programs showcasing the best new websites, video games and start-up ideas the community has to offer.”
You won’t find Brian or Lisa on stage presenting this time around, but you can find them walking around to all the booths on “The Floor”, at various WordPress related gatherings, and at after parties. On Saturday, Brian and Lisa will be attending the WordPress.com VIP Party at Maggie Mae’s Rooftop. If you’re looking for a chance to network with Brian or Lisa, or with WebDevStudios as a whole, SXSW is the place to do it!
Brian and Lisa are excited, as always, to reconnect with people they’ve already met and are hoping to make even more connections with people they’ve yet to meet!