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WDS Welcomes Trisha Salas!


WebDevStudios is excited to announce a new member to the team — Trisha Salas! She will be coming onto the team as a designer.

Trisha has been called a ‘rogue designer’ more than once. She’s just as comfortable in a graphics editor as she is a text editor (but prefers the latter). Originally a web designer with a love for CSS, she transitioned to WordPress in 2011 and hasn’t looked back.
Since then she has spoken at her first WordCamp, organized the Tulsa WordPress MeetUp, helped to organize the Tulsa 200 OK Conference, and started regularly contributing to BuddyPress. She’s also now co-leading a feature plugin for WordPress core. Trisha is a self-declared introvert who spends her free time working on projects or playing with code.

When not head down in code, Trisha loves to spend time with her five children who are 23, 21, 19, and twins who are 15! You can follow Trisha on Twitter! @trishacodes

We can’t wait to see what Trisha can add to the team and the company! Welcome, Trisha!

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