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WDS Welcomes Marcus Battle!


marcusWebDevStudios is proud to announce the newest addition to our team, Marcus Battle! He has taken on the position of Back-End Developer.

Marcus loves WordPress. Having created his own content management systems and working with others, WordPress simply gets the job done better. He was introduced to WordPress in 2009 and kind of snubbed it as inferior to anything he could create. All it took to make him a believer was his inbox flooding with content management requests from his freelance work to realize that he needed some help. Ever since Marcus realized how much time he could save with upfront development and for clients, WordPress has been his tool of choice.

I am excited to work with WDS because of all of the great talents I get to learn from. I believe that you’re never done learning and even in my first few days, I can see that I’m “around” people who really know their stuff and are open to sharing information. Overall, I just believe that working at WDS is going to make me a better developer because of the people.

Outside of working for WDS he is a college student minister in Greensboro, NC where for the past 7 years; he’s helped hundreds of students prepare for their post-graduate careers and develop their faith.

In Marcus’ spare time, him and his wife are planning and preparing for their first child – “Baby Boy” Battle, so that’s already keeping them on their toes. (They’re not telling the name yet just in case they change their mind). You can follow Marcus on twitter to keep up on his baby news and other WordPress related awesomeness!

We are very excited to see what Marcus has to bring to WDS to make the company and the team better, as well as his personal growth. Welcome, Marcus!

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