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Free Webinar: Turn Your WordPress Site Into a Mobile App

Wow, where does the time go? It has already been two months since our previous webinar. As you may recall, our CEO, Brad Williams, shared his experience working with WordPress in the enterprise space. The hour-long webinar was filled with great information from Brad and wrapped up with a number of excellent questions from the live audience. It felt just like being at a WordPress conference, except the entire audience was in their PJs (or so we assume! I know I was.).

We had such a great time doing the first webinar, we wanted to turn right around and do it all over again. So mark your calendar: On October 6th, 2016, we’re hosting our next webinar: Your WordPress Site Into a Mobile App, hosted by me, John Hawkins.

A couple of months back, after being head down in AppPresser, I decided to learn firsthand what it takes to turn a WordPress site into a mobile app. I wanted to learn the entire process, from start to finish (using both AppPresser and otherwise), and so I did!

If you’ve been wondering how to do it, don’t miss this opportunity to pick my brain on the process. I’ll be sharing what worked, what didn’t, the shortcuts I discovered, and the pitfalls I came across.

Here are the details:

Turn Your WordPress Site Into A Mobile App

Date: October 6th, 2016
Time: 1pm – 2pm ET

Signup Here

First name:
Last name:

The webinar is totally free; all you have to do is sign up! For those of you who can’t make it day of, we will be providing a recording of the talk as well–just make sure you put your info in beforehand so we can send it out to you afterward.

We hope to see you there (and psst…if there are any questions that are pressing now and that you’d like to see addressed, drop them in the comments)!


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