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Join Us for Five for the Future, Enter to Win a WDS Hat!

During his State of the Word presentation at this year’s WordCamp US, Matt Mullenweg announced a directory of individuals and organizations pledging a dedication to Five for the Future (#5ftf). Since 2014, WebDevStudios (WDS) has been dedicating 5% of our company time to the project, designed to give back to the WordPress core and community. We’re happy to have our pledge listed in this directory, which showcases companies who are consistently contributing to #5ftf.

Join Us for #5ftf on November 29th, Enter a Drawing to Win an Exclusive WDS hat!

WDS’ dedication to Five for the Future happens every month when we dedicate a full workday to it. The next WDS-sponsored Five for the Future day is November 29, 2019. As always, YOU are invited to join us. But what’s different about the invitation this time is that if you do join us and tweet your contributions, you will be entered into a drawing to win an exclusive WebDevStudios hat.

The winner of the Five for the Future WDS hat giveaway will receive this exact hat.

Here’s how our giveaway works:

Senior Backend Engineer, Jeremy Ward, modeling an example of the WDS hat prize. Exact prize will differ. The boost of swagger that comes with the hat will not.

Here’s What Happened Last Time

Our last #5ftf day was held November 1, 2019. Here’s a sample of what we accomplished:

Thank you.

As always, thank you for your continued support for our efforts to commit to Five for the Future. You can follow our contributions on Twitter by keeping up with the hashtag #5ftf. We also encourage you to make your own pledge public by adding your name, or your company’s name, to the Five for the Future pledge directory.

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