Since @webdevstudios started officially contributing to #WordPress under the #5ftf initiative, we have tracked over 8000 hours giving back! That’s over $1.2M in billable hours spent contributing back to the WP project. So proud of our team! 💪 #WDSCamp
— Brad Williams (@williamsba) October 1, 2020
It was at our company retreat, WDS Virtual Camp, that our team learned just how much WebDevStudios (WDS) has given back to WordPress and the community since we first began participating in Five for the Future (#5ftf), a WordPress initiative designed to encourage WordPress agencies like ours give back to WordPress by donating 5% of company time to the core and community. Since 2014, WDS has been actively contributing to #5ftf by dedicating entire workdays to the effort. We have no intention of stopping.
Tomorrow, October 30th, just before Halloween, our team is closing shop and dedicating the day to Five for the Future. A portion of our team is delaying their #5ftf day to Monday, November 2nd, due to client work.
On these days, WDS team members will be doing things like answering WordPress support tickets, developing free plugins, and captioning WordCamp talks. These are things you can do, too! Simply sign up at and make your pledge as an individual. Think about it: WordPress wouldn’t be the platform that it is today without the thoughtful contributions that developers, designers, and users make.
Here’s a look at what our team completed on August 28th and September 4th, our last Five for the Future Days. Follow WDS and the #5ftf hashtag on Twitter tomorrow and on November 2nd to see what we’re up to in realtime. Thanks for your support!
Thanks to @webdevstudios for giving us the day to give back to those who give so much. This #5ftf we will be working to develop strategies to give non-profits a new digital image(branding, and site) in one day.
— Scott Anderson (@thriftydev) August 28, 2020
For #5ftf today @webdevstudios I have so many things I want to do: 1) I want to write yet another @LocalWP addon for setting up @sublimehq + XDebug Client with one click, 2) Gonna hunt down some PR’s in our various WDS projects that are open source on…
— Aubrey Portwood (@aubreypwd) August 28, 2020
It’s #5ftf @webdevstudios and we’re excited to be developing a strategy that will enable us to build brands and websites for non-profit companies.
— Jennifer Cooley (@Jhynnifer) August 28, 2020
It’s another #5FTF at @webdevstudios. Hopefully, my next tweet will be from my plugin…
— Evan Hildreth (@oddevan) August 28, 2020
Today at @webdevstudios we get dedicated time to give back to the open source community as part of #5FTF.
I just pushed an update to the Stop Emails plugin to address the PHPMailer changes that came with WordPress 5.5 (in a backwards compatible way 😀).
— Sal Ferrarello (@salcode) August 28, 2020
Today for #5FTF ( Five for the Friday) am-i-right? @webdevstudios I’m doing some experimenting with Next JS / WP and will be working on a simple demo for Gutenberg Nux (New User Experience).
— Mike England (@mikelikethebike) August 28, 2020
Today for #5ftf, I’m working on our Next.js WordPress Starter.
Today’s goal is to turn on Incremental Static Generation for blog posts and hook up SEO on blog posts!
Thank you @webdevstudios for the time to tinker! 🥰
— Greg Rickaby (@GregRickaby) August 28, 2020
So excited! My first #5ftf since joining @webdevstudios has finally arrived 🎉
I’ll be spending the day working on an open source starter site with #Nextjs, @WordPress and #GraphQL
— Darren Cooney (@KaptonKaos) August 28, 2020
It’s #5ftf and today I’ll be pairing up with this cool cat to work on some NextJS with WordPress. Having fun working and learning at the same time @webdevstudios 👨🏼💻👨🏼🎤🧙🏻
— Marty O’Connor (@martinjdolan) August 28, 2020
Have your messy snack and eat it too! Pro-level snacking with chopsticks🥢BTW @ChesterCheetah – did you know @webdevstudios builds websites for CPG products? 🧡 #5ftf
— Justin Fœll (@justinfoell) August 28, 2020
Finishing up #5ftf doing some translations, a great example of how easy it can be for anyone to contribute. Did you know Canadian English is its own language in WordPress? We make sure the letter u gets it’s proper dues, among other things, eh. @webdevstudios @maintainn
— Christina Workman – WP Contributor (@AmethystAnswers) August 28, 2020
#5FTF @webdevstudios today and I will be in a meeting with #WCIloilo leads to finalize some stuff and make important decisions for the best of the community. I will then be working on to get accurate numbers based on publicly available data.
— JC Palmes (@jpalmes) September 4, 2020
Today is #5ftf for me @webdevstudios and I will deep dive into @tailwindcss, @vercel NextJS and @wpgraphql looking forward to build amazing things with it.
— Alfredo Navas (@3LPU4S) September 4, 2020
Woot! #5ftf day @webdevstudios today! I’m working on getting the archive pages done for (done already, whaaat?) and adding some new cool sites. Then I’ll be doing some React training.
— Oliver Harrison (@positivebias) September 4, 2020