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Company News – June

Seems just like yesterday that it was June 1st. Wait. Wasn’t it? Oh, well. Here we are already at the end of June and we have scoops of company news for you. This is what’s been happening at our website agency.

Tweak You Business Using Headless WordPress

WebDevStudios CEO, Brad Williams, was published at Tweak Your Biz,  a thought leading global publication and online business community. Brad covered the benefits of Headless WordPress, stating in his piece, “If your project vision is grand and requires the benefits of a frontend separated from the backend, Headless WordPress is a great way to go.”

You can read the full Headless WordPress article at


It’s pretty exciting that in-person WordPress events are happening alongside virtual ones. This new hybrid trend is giving WordPress users, developers, designers, and general enthusiasts the option to enjoy the best of both worlds.

WordCamp Europe

WordCamp Europe took place June 2-4, 2022 in Porto, Portugal. It was the first in-person WordCamp since before the pandemic.

WebDevStudios Account Manager, Laura Byrne, attended and volunteered for this monumental WordPress conference. She assisted the communications team by sorting photos from their photography team and provided support to the social media team.

WordCamp Montclair

As if attending the first in-person WordCamp wasn’t enough, Laura was also a lead organizer of WordCamp Montclair, the first in-person US-based WordCamp since before the pandemic. She even spoke the opening remarks at the event.

It’s important to note that WordCamp Montclair can boast the most diverse speaker group in the history of all WordCamps. See the lineup for yourself.

WordPress San Jose

The Meetup group, WordPress San Jose (Costa Rica) recently held a meeting with WebDevStudios Backend Engineer, Alfredo Navas, presenting on full-site editing (FSE).

Titled, “Que es FSE, Patterns y Nuevos Bloques,” Alfredo’s presentation updated attendees with the latest information on WordPress FSE.

WebDevStudios Is Hiring Now!

Wouldn’t you love to be a part of team that gets involved with WordPress and open-source technology? Our company culture is built around the success of our clients and employees.

WebDevStudios believes in giving back and getting involved. If that sounds like an atmosphere you would love to work in, then take a look at our Careers page. We’re hiring for a variety of positions including engineering, UX Designer, and Technical Strategist. Apply online today.

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