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Nothing But Love for Five for the Future

It may be a short month, but our love for Five for the Future (5FTF) is forever. Since its inception, WebDevStudios has been involved with this WordPress initiative.

From contributing translations to continuing education, mentoring to WordCamp talk creation, plugin development to WordPress documentation, our team is dedicated to 5FTF. In fact, tomorrow, February 24th, that’s what we’ll be doing all day long. We’re giving back to WordPress via Five for the Future.

You can keep up with how we contribute by following WebDevStudios and the hashtag #5FTF on Twitter. Our teammates who use that social media platform like to tweet their contributions. Below are some ways our team gave back to WordPress last month.

Our team members also share their 5FTF contributions on our internal Slack, too. Backend Engineer, Maurcio Andrade reported during the last 5FTF Friday that he, “Read and ran examples for Gutenberg and Site Editing. Started by updating the composer config for the WDS block-based theme.”

Meanwhile, Backend Engineer, Jairo Perez, contributed translations to six plugins, including Happy Addons for Elementor and Variation Swatches for WooCommerce. Remember, anyone can participate in 5FTF. To learn how, please visit

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