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WebDevStudios Makes a Difference in WordPress with Five for the Future

By now, everyone knows that WebDevStudios is a website agency that is committed to giving back to the WordPress community. Every last Friday of the month, our team participates in Five for the Future, a program that encourages individuals and WordPress companies like ours to donate 5% of company time to contributing to WordPress.

Five for the Future (5FTF) is a great way to support the WordPress community and help make WordPress better. By sponsoring 5% of our work time to WordPress development, education, and community involvement, the team at WebDevStudios is helping fuel the growth of WordPress and the knowledge base of the community. WordPress is the best content management system on the market, and we get to be a part of that.

Tomorrow is 5FTF Friday at WebDevStudios. We are proud to continually support 5FTF and make a difference in the WordPress community. Below are some examples from Twitter and our internal Slack channel that show how our team contributed to 5FTF in June. Follow WebDevStudios and the hashtag #5FTF to keep up with our participation.

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