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Top 15 WebDevStudios Posts Published in 2015

WebDevStudios, WDS blog, WDS content, WordPress tutorials, learn WordPress, programming tutorials, learn to program, learn to code, become a programmer, learning JavaScript, Sass, design tutorials, development tutorials, development how-tos, design how-tos, design products,

As mentioned in our end of year post, one of our goals for 2015 was to up our content game–and up it we did. Earlier in the year, I talked about how we have been using a collaborative approach to create content that covers a wide variety of topics related to design, development, project management, and general business dev. Figuring out a workflow that gets this done without de-prioritizing the billable work we do, particularly when we were crazy busy, was a challenge, but we figured it out.

We had a few posts that were quite popular, too! In case you missed some of it and want the Cliff Notes, consider this your opportunity to catch up! Here’s a rundown of the most popular fifteen posts published in 2015:

15. Writing Clean(er) JavaScript

In October, Zach outlined some tools for compartmentalizing and structuring your JS so it’s easier to handle in the future.

14. Filtering WordPress Form Data with Gravity Forms

Matt broke down an easy way to filter your form data with one of our favorite plugins, Gravity Forms.

13. Debugging WordPress Tips and Snippets

Most devs know about wp_debug, but they may not know that there are a bevy of other options when debugging WordPress plugins and themes. Jay outlines the good stuff that you’ll want to keep in mind.

12., How I Love Thee

Former employee Stacy wrote a love letter to, the open source text editor by Adobe.

11. 10 Things I Learned Migrating Websites to WordPress

We do a lot of migrations, and Marcus is one of our go-to guys for the job. He’s worked extensively with Microsoft and on other internal migration projects and shared the highlights of what he has learned about the process.

10. Creating Custom Templates for BuddyPress

Eric had never worked with BuddyPress at all…but he sure got a crash course in it once he joined the WDS team.

9. Mapping Icon Fonts with Sass

Damon loves Sass and icon fonts, so he shared an excellent way to combine both.

8. Making Inline Media Queries Even Better with Breakpoint Sass

Here’s another great post from Stacy, who also loves Sass.

7. Handling AJAX in WordPress in Style

And another post from Jay on handling the super powerful AJAX (what he calls “the mystery of the internet”) in WordPress.

6. Create a Simple JSON Endpoint in WordPress

Here’s an especially relevant tutorial from Dusty on the WordPress JSON REST API and how to to set up your own endpoint and return your data in JSON format.

5. Use CMB2 to Create a New Post Submission Form

It’s everybody’s favorite plugin, CMB2! While we also adore Gravity Forms, we found that CMB2 is a better fit for certain projects, and Justin, father of the CMB2 baby, details how to wield CMB2 for creating a front-end blog post submission form.

4. How to Set Up HTTPS on WordPress Multisite Without Headaches

Remember when Google included whether or not it supports https in your site ranking? Chris broke down how to set it up on WordPress Multisite with ease.

3. Getting started with Vagrant & VVV for local development

Parbs explained how he uses Vagrant and VVV to power his local development.

2. Create a Filterable Portfolio with WordPress and Jetpack

If you’ve been wondering how to create a portfolio that spectacularly showcases your content, another former employee, Nate, wrote up a tutorial for you (which has also since been updated by Michael with a minor fix).

1. A Beginner’s Guide to the Best Command Line Tools

And our most popular post of 2015 came again from Brad Parbs, who killed it with this long-form guide on the best command line tools. Bookmark and reference accordingly.

And that’s it! Those are our most popular posts from 2015; we hope you enjoy them as much the second time around. We know a lot of devs/designers follow our blog–tell us what you’d like us to cover in the new year. Have questions? Specific tutorials you’d like to see? Whaddaya want?

Happy New Year!

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