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Upcoming Webinar: Why Enterprise Companies Should Use WordPress

As many of you know, our team is filled with folks who love going to events, both WordCamps and otherwise. In particular, our executive team is well-known for organizing and presenting at events across the world, and their eclectic backgrounds have given them a lot to share! Conferences are challenging, though, and can be limiting, both for speakers and attendees alike. Not everyone has the means to travel and attend events everywhere. Thankfully, the age of the internet has given us other options for accessing the wealth of info that folks share at events.

Our CEO, Brad Williams, has shared his experience growing our company and working with WordPress in the enterprise space live, and now we’re bringing this to you–no travel expenses required!

On July 18th, we will be hosting a webinar featuring Brad discussing why enterprise companies should use WordPress.

We’ve worked with many enterprise companies who have made the move, and our experiences have taught us, firsthand, about the unique apprehensions and proliferation of myths regarding what WordPress can or cannot do for them. Brad is going to be talking about those myths and sharing about why open source platforms are the future for massive companies like Microsoft, Skype, Campbell’s Soup, and more.

Want to get in on this? We know you do!

Here are the details:

Why Enterprise Companies Should Use WordPress

Date: July 18th, 2016
Time: 1 PM – 2 PM ET


The webinar is totally free; all you have to do is sign up! For those of you who can’t make it day of, we will be providing a recording of the talk as well–just make sure you put your info in beforehand so we can send it out to you afterward.

We hope to see you there (and psst…if there are any questions that are pressing now and that you’d like to see addressed, drop them in the comments)!

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