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Have No Fear! Five for the Future Is Here

At WebDevStudios (WDS), our devotion to WordPress and making the web a better place is scary-good! In fact, right now as this blog post publishes, we have a team of experts presenting a free webinar on Headless WordPress, in collaboration with the folks at Post Status.

If that wasn’t enough to show our dedication to open-source technology, WDS is also devoting the workday tomorrow, October 29th, to Five for the Future (5FTF). Yes, goblins and ghouls, it’s that time of the month. It’s time for tricks, treats, and giving back to WordPress.

The passion to contribute to WordPress is more infectious than a bite from a zombie. Recently, Alfredo Navas, Frontend Engineer, had been using his 5FTF time to learn all about WordPress full site editing (FSE). This passion evolved into something more.

First, Alfredo took his knowledge and turned it into a blog post titled, “WordPress FSE and Block-Based Themes.” Then, this article was picked up by Jamie Marsland of Pootlepress and turned into a YouTube video tutorial. Now, that’s the power of Five for the Future in action—no witch’s brew necessary.

However, Alfredo’s wizardry does not end there. Frontend Engineer, Lindsey Bell, also found inspiration in Alfredo’s interest in WordPress FSE. She even used her September 5FTF Friday to learn more.

“After Alfredo demonstrated full site editing to us, I became interested,” Lindsey explains. “It’s such a different method for creating WordPress websites. As drag-and-drop website builders become more popular, it is intriguing to see WordPress’ initial foray into the technology.” Lindsey goes on to say that she has only been able to scratch the surface of what’s possible, but she intends on using her 5FTF time to continue her exploration.

Our last Five for the Future Friday was September 24, 2021. For some, the day included mentorship and getting familiar with the many 5FTF opportunities out there.

For instance, WDS Website Specialist, Christina Workman, who is also a seasoned WordPress contributor, spent her September 5FTF day talking to coworkers about giving back.

Tara Rickaby [Business Development Assistant] and I met, and I talked to her about the different Make teams,” Christina reports. “I gave her some info and links so she could create and Slack accounts. And, we talked about different ways to participate in the teams without being a developer.”

Meanwhile, Project Managers, Joanna Foss and Deborah Hudson, both took a dive into the world of captioning videos for WordPress TV.

“As a newbie to the WP community, my first 5FTF was a little intimidating,” says Joanna. “I used to be a social worker and really value accessibility, so I decided to try captioning a video. It was definitely harder than I thought—people talk so quickly! I chose a long video so there’s still more work to do, but I’m happy I found a way to contribute, even in a small way.”

Deborah mirrors Joanna’s point of view, adding, “As you browse through the videos that need captioning, the common theme that weaved through them all was the passion everyone has to make WordPress better! That, in itself, was motivating to jump into a slow and tedious process of video captioning because you felt the connection of being part of something bigger.”

See? Giving back to WordPress is truly infectious, and you don’t even need a zombie bite to catch it. Follow WDS on Twitter and the hashtag #5FTF to keep up with our frightfully good contributions tomorrow. Take a look below to see other ways our teammates gave back to WordPress last month.

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