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5 Most Popular Blog Posts in 2021

Recently listed among the top resources for the WP Owls newsletter, the WebDevStudios blog is a hot spot of information among members of the WordPress community. Whether you’re looking for a basic explanation of Headless WordPress, remote work inspiration, or a quick tip, our WordPress agency’s blog has got you covered.

While we cherish all of our blog content, some pieces stand apart from the others, receiving the most web traffic and visits. So, we set out to discover of all the articles we published in 2021, which were the most popular blog posts. Here are the top five.

How to Use Dynamic Imports in Next.js

Content about Next.js proves to be very rewarding at WebDevStudios (WDS). We can’t get enough of it.

It was during some late-night performance testing when former WDS Frontend Engineer, Mike England, faced a challenge that inspired research. Once he found the solution to his problem, which was Dynamic Imports, Mike felt motivated to share it with the world.

In his blog post, Mike shares the basics of Dynamic Imports, how to set it up in Next.js, and advice on when to use it.

Read “How to Use Dynamic Imports in Next.js.”

Quick Tip: Sharing Data in Next.js with React Context

See? We told you Next.js content is a hot item on our website. That’s why this next article is among our most popular blog posts of 2021.

Lead Engineer, Darren Cooney, wrote this Next.js article, which is presented as a quick tip. However, don’t let that term fool you. The information in it is substantial.

Darren goes over the implementation of Next.js with React Context and breaks the setup down into three tasks. He walks you through each task and even addresses a scenario when React Context isn’t the right choice.

Read “Quick Tip: Sharing Data in Next.js with React Context.”

Using Next.js, WebDevStudios Built a 1,000 Page Headless WordPress Website

Not only is this piece of content one of our most popular blog posts of 2021, it also gets a lot of traction on Twitter. Although the headline might seem like clickbait, the story is true.

WebDevStudios really did build a 1,000 page Headless WordPress website. Director of Engineering, Greg Rickaby, relays the tale.

Greg begins by giving some background on our focus and experience before talking about the arrival of a client who required a Headless WordPress website.

He then dissects the project, mentioning both challenges and successes. Building a Headless WordPress website is a feat. Greg does a great job of covering the measures and steps our team took to bring this project to fruition.

Read “Using Next.js, WebDevStudios Built a 1,000 Page Headless WordPress Website.”

WordPress FSE and Block-Based Themes

Obviously, our virtual hallways are buzzing with chatter about Headless WordPress and Next.js, but it didn’t take long for full-site editing (FSE) to become as interesting a topic.

The technology sure caught the attention of Frontend Engineer, Alfredo Navas, who first began his journey by using his Five for the Future time to study it. Then, as any responsible member of the WordPress community would do, he shared what he learned in a blog post.

In his article, Alfredo doesn’t just write about FSE, he takes the reader through a step-by-step tutorial on creating a block-based theme.

Read “WordPress FSE and Block-Based Themes.”

Headless WordPress and Headless CMS

It was this time last year that the chatter around Headless WordPress really amped up. WebDevStudios didn’t want to jump on the bandwagon. We wanted to lead the conversation. That’s when Greg stepped up to the plate to write a high-level overview that explains what Headless WordPress and Headless CMS are and why any company may want to use them.

While the technology is certainly cutting-edge and fancy, Greg wants to ensure that key decision makers are not simply being seduced by a hot trend. He does a great job at presenting a clear rundown of Headless WordPress designed to help CEOs, CMOs, executives, and marketing directors decide whether or not going headless is the right decision for them.

Read “Headless WordPress and Headless CMS.”

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