Spring is here, and here comes another awesome WordCamp! WordCamp Buffalo 2016 is coming our way on April 30th, 2016!
Although I find it hard to believe that any of our regular readers are unfamiliar with WordCamp (come on, now!), for those of you that are completely green: WordCamps are events held all over the world where WordPress nerds unite to share their skills, insights, and learn a whole lot from a bunch of other smarties.

Both Brian and Brad will be there, so you’d better grab them and say hello–and you won’t want to miss Brad’s presentation, either. Check out the details for that, as well as a few other presentations that caught our eye below:
Saturday, April 30th
9 AM – Tips For Training & Educating Your Client On WordPress – Jen Witkowski
Putting the finishing touches on a shiny new WordPress site can give you the feeling of accomplishment. But unless the client has worked in WordPress before, your job isn’t done. Your next step should be to educate the client about WordPress and train them on how to update their site. In this session we’ll review some training tips that Jen has learned over the past years, and discuss how to approach educating your client about WordPress in away that encourages them to do their own research before calling you.
10 AM – WordPress Accessibility – Adrian Roselli
With recent announcement that all code submitted to WordPress core (as well as themes) must meet WCAG 2.0 AA, proper accessibility techniques are more important within WordPress than ever. Adrian will review some basic and fringe accessibility techniques you can use for your personal and client projects, as well as for contributing to WordPress core.
10 AM – “Hidden” WordPress Features – Michelle Ames
There are WordPress features you may not know.
If you are like many, there always seem to be things you wish you could do with WordPress, but maybe can’t figure out. This session will provide you with some great tips and tricks for you to make working with WordPress even easier. From changing the number of posts on the dashboard page, to adding a target to link to on the menu dashboard, there are many things that are easy to accomplish — if only you know where to look. Not only are there screen options on almost every dashboard page, but there are help pulldowns, too, helping to answer questions before you might even need to turn to help in a forum. We will also cover shortcuts for use in the editor window, and a quick and easy way to save your favorite plugins to find at a click to upload to your site.
2 PM – What You Need To Know About SEO – Tamara MacDuff
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has changed. It needs to be considered part of your company’s online strategy not just a one and done type of thing. SEO is a living strategy, just as the algorithms are and your website should be. Everything depends upon each other for success now more than ever. Learn the Top 5 Things You Need to Know for SEO Success on Your Website, How to Find Out What people are talking about, What is SEO & How Social Media impacts your SEO.
3 PM – Build a Better Editing Experience with Advanced Custom Fields – Jeseph Meyers
A quick but thorough dive into building page templates and custom features using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Learn how to create easily editable custom content areas and add additional options to the WordPress admin dashboard. Say goodbye to page builder plugins and say hello to Advanced Custom Fields.
4 PM – Help Me Help You: Scoping Your WordPress Project – Brad Williams
Learn how you can help the freelancer or agency you are hiring to create your new website. What can you provide to get a more accurate estimate and project plan? How can you help keep costs down? What to look for when interviewing a developer or designer for your project.
Session descriptions pulled from the WC Buffalo website (with some edits for clarity)
Will we see you there? You can follow @WordCampBuffalo or keep your eyes on #wcbuf for more updates or just vicarious living, too. See you soon, WC Buffalo!