Do you know what can offer some relief and respite during a crisis? The act of paying it forward can do that. Since day one, WebDevStudios (WDS) has made giving back to WordPress and the community an important part of our company culture, pandemic or not. While doing something for others contributes to the greater good, let’s face it. Giving back feels good, personally. That’s why we’re excited tomorrow, April 24th, is another Five for the Future day. This event means that our entire company is dedicating an entire workday to giving back to WordPress. That is a win-win for everyone involved.
If you’re reading this wondering, “What the heck is Five for the Future,” then please visit to learn more. As the open-source platform states, “WordPress fuels more than a third of the web. Are you a part of it?” Well, are you?
You can be! We are. Read “5 Ways to Contribute to WordPress Five for the Future” for ways you can participate in the Five for the Future movement. Follow us and the hashtag #5ftf on Twitter tomorrow and see how our team is contributing. We welcome you to join us.
Below is a sampling of how WDS contributed to Five for the Future last month. Give yourself some relief and respite by giving back to WordPress.
Building out to inspire all the #WordPress devs out there! #5ftf @webdevstudios
— Oliver Harrison (@positivebias) March 27, 2020
Its been a rather exhausting and stressful week due to the global epidemic. Really thankful that @webdevstudios gives us #5ftf – basically a day to give back to the community.
— Michael Joseph Panaga (@_micmico) March 27, 2020
It’s #5FTF @webdevstudios again and this time, I am putting all my brain cells to work helping the community build #WordPress sites to help give up-to-date info about #CODVID19 #COVID19PH. Huge @webdevstudios for supporting our efforts.
— JC Palmes (@jpalmes) March 27, 2020
Update so far at #5ftf @webdevstudios, I got a little sidetracked but helped a few other team-mates make some excellent progress on their open source projects for WordPress. #TeamWork
— Mike England (@mikelikethebike) March 27, 2020
It’s another #5FTF at @webdevstudios! Today I’ll be diving into all things Gutenberg, and maybe having a block to show for it by the end.
— Evan Hildreth (@oddevan) March 27, 2020
It’s #5FTF thanks to @webdevstudios for giving us a day to give back to community that serves us. Today I’ll be using my time to assist non-profits shift to a more online focused presence.
— Scott Anderson (@thriftydev) March 27, 2020
It is #5FTF day @webdevstudios, a day for us to give back to open source and the WordPress community. I will be working on the WP Search with Algolia plugin, which uses the awesome Aglolia service to provide lightning fast search results.
— Richard Ⓐber (@richaber) March 27, 2020
Happy #5ftf Day @webdevstudios. You got this! Let's do some good and give back in this crazy time!
— ᴊᴏᴅɪᴇ ʀɪᴄᴄᴇʟʟɪ (@Jodie_Riccelli) March 27, 2020
It's #5ftf and I'm doing some planning for @WordCampUS and @yycwpmug. Calgary will be hosting our next meetup online!
— Christina Workman – WP Contributor (@AmethystAnswers) March 27, 2020
It's #5ftf, which means that I get to give back to the WordPress community today. I'm working a blog post about how to leverage built-in Gutenberg content blocks to make some pretty cool stuff. Thanks @WebDevStudios!— Marty O’Connor (@martinjdolan) March 27, 2020
#5ftf @webdevstudios is a time to give back and a time to learn. To formally (in a way) learn #NodeJS is something ive been meaning to for a while now. And so many #opensource projects are using or built using it. Im excited to widen my #oss horizon with this knowledge!
— Michael Joseph Panaga (@_micmico) March 27, 2020
It is #5FTF at @webdevstudios where we have dedicated time to work on open source projects. I'm currently working on a WordPress block for Markdown.
A big thanks to @3LPU4S for his guidance.
— Sal Ferrarello (@salcode) March 27, 2020
#5FTF is a wrap! Thanks @webdevstudios – managed to get out another release of WP-Strava with some rudimentary Gutenberg support for Activity
— Justin Fœll (@justinfoell) March 27, 2020