Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas Museum of Art Friends is a loyalty program that promotes participation and engagement with art for DMA Members and all visitors to the Museum! The DMA Friends app is an iPad iOS app built on WordPress with BuddyPress and a badging and achievements program, available to anyone who wishes to join, DMA Friends focuses on activating engagement with the Museum and building long-term relationships with visitors.
DMA Friends
WebDevStudios created an amazing new way for people to experience the Dallas Museum of Art by using WordPress as an application framework. The free application allows members of the museum to engage with the exhibits in a whole new way; members can earn badges and points, which can be redeemed for rewards. This new way of discovering the museum was developed using the new and improved BadgeOS system, with the help of Credly.
The application provides numerous ways to interact with the system while visiting. Activity codes are available around the Museum—at programs, in the galleries, and sometimes distributed by DMA staff. When walking around the museum, visitors are able to check in at the iPad kiosk or mobile device and learn about the exhibits and earn points and badges.

Quick and Easy Sign-Up
The DMA put together some great videos on their new mobile application. The first video highlights how easy it is to sign up for their new free membership program. All a user needs to do is enter their name and email address to get started!
“As with free general admission, the DMA Friends program invites more of our community to become invested in their city’s art museum, forging deeper connections with us through the many exhibitions, programs, and events we offer, By radically rethinking the way membership works in a museum, the DMA now consistently welcomes significantly larger numbers, providing more than 100,000 people with new and innovative ways to engage with art, the Museum, and each other.”
~ Maxwell L. Anderson, the DMA’s Eugene McDermott Director
A New Way to Explore the Dallas Museum of Art
DMA Friends has created challenges to explore the museum in an interactive and innovative way. Click on the video to discover how to interact with DMA Friends.