Employee Post

WordCamp Minneapolis 2015, WDS is Coming for Ya!

Yep, it’s that time again! WordCamp Minneapolis is coming up right quick, and as we’ve done with past events, we want to give you the scoop on what to see and where to be. WebDevStudios will be there; both Lisa and Parbs will be speaking at the event, and Justin will be there as well!

Although I find it hard to believe that any of our regular readers are unfamiliar with WordCamp (come on, now!), for those of you that are completely green: WordCamps are events held all over the world where WordPress nerds unite to share their skills, insights, and learn a whole lot from a bunch of other smarties.

WordCamp Minneapolis is on April 25-26th, 2015, and in addition to giving you the heads up about WDS speakers, we wanted to highlight a few things to check out while you’re there:

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

Multilingual WordPress – 10 AM – Lisa Sabin-Wilson

WordPress is global, and your site should be too! There are some very basic steps you can take to make sure that your themes and plugins are prepared for translation. Lisa has launched several large, enterprise-level networks in multiple languages and has learned some valuable lessons along the way that she would like to pass on to you in this session.

Powerful Local Development Environments with Vagrant and Friends – 1:15 PM – Brad Parbs

Parbs will be breaking down why you want a local development environment and how to set it up with VVV and Vagrant, as well as how to customize it all for your own workflow using tools like VV (and even building your own).

Beautiful Web Type – 3:15 PM – Mel Choyce

With the rapid popularization of web fonts over the past few years, type on the web has never been more exciting!  Mel will go over basic typographic principles, review techniques and services for integrating web fonts into your WordPress sites, and finally conclude with a bit of speculation on where type on the web is heading.

Commit to Contribute – 4:15 PM – John James Jacoby

Starting as an independent, working on WordPress.com VIP & Jetpack, living the agency life at 10up, and eventually starting his own company, the one constant has been volunteering to improve WordPress and the surrounding initiatives. He’ll talk about how he apply what he’s learned from these experiences, and what he hopes to help WordPress, GlotPress, BuddyPress, & bbPress be in the future.

Session descriptions pulled from the WordCamp Minneapolis website–with some minor adjustments for clarity.



Make sure to follow WordCamp Minneapolis on Twitter, and if you can’t join them in person, you can always join them in spirit by soaking up the info via the hashtag #WCMPLS. Oh, and it will be a certain COO’s birthday weekend…so make sure you grab Lisa a drink and help her celebrate, WordPress party style!




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