There are two WordCamps coming up this weekend: WordCamp East Troy is September 12th-13th and WordCamp Salt Lake City is September 12th!

Although I find it hard to believe that any of our regular readers are unfamiliar with WordCamp (come on, now!), for those of you that are completely green: WordCamps are events held all over the world where WordPress nerds unite to share their skills, insights, and learn a whole lot from a bunch of other smarties.

A bunch of our WDS badasses are going to be in attendance at these, so if you’re there, you best stop by and say HELLO!

WordCamp East Troy

Ryan, Parbs, and Dusty are going to be at WordCamp East Troy, and Ryan is going to be speaking!

Make sure you make his session:

Sunday – 10:15 AM – BuddyPress + WP-API – Ryan Fugate

Session will include quick overview of WP-API. Also, how to get BuddyPress data into WP-API. Will show use cases for BuddyPress JSON data.

You can also keep an eye on the WordCamp East Troy happenings over @wceasttroy or follow the hashtag #WCET.

WordCamp Salt Lake City

Chris and Dre will be in SLC for this big day–and they are both speaking! Check it:

Saturday – 11:30 AM – You Win, You Learn, There is No Losing! – Dre Armeda

Dre has a lot of experience building businesses from the ground up. Dre was the founder of Cubic 2, a custom web design & development shop that provided custom solutions for WordPress clients. Then he started Sucuri Security and turned it into a very successful multi-million dollar 30+ employee company that services millions of unique monthly scans, monitors thousands of websites, and makes sure that hundreds of websites are cleared of malware daily.

Dre is going to be drawing from his wealth of experience in business management to talk about growing your business. Starting a business is hard, but it can be fun and extremely satisfying as well. This presentation will relate back to a lot of Dre’s own personal experiences in the field and he will be giving tips and pointers for those working hard to build their business today.

Saturday – 3:40 PM – Creating Unique and Customizeable Layouts with Simple Page Builder – Chris Reynolds

What if there was a developer tool that made it easy for users to create custom layouts out of template parts that you created but hard for them to break it? That’s the premise behind WDS Simple Page Builder, a plugin that can be used in conjunction with a custom-built theme to give your clients and users flexible layouts without headaches. This presentation will introduce you to the Page Builder, how it works, why it exists, and why you might want to use it in your projects.

Stay up to date on the WordCamp SLC details over @wcslc or with their hashtag #WCSLC.

Descriptions pulled from the WordCamp websites

Will we see you? We sure hope so!



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