Celebrating a decade of networking, education, and community connection, WordCamp Miami takes place March 16-18, 2018. WordPress co-founder, Matt Mullenweg, is a featured speaker, as he will be interviewed live by John James Jacoby, co-host of WordPress Weekly, at Saturday’s Closing Session.

And if anyone deserves to bask in the warmth and relaxation that is Miami, it’s WebDevStudios (WDS) CEO, Brad Williams. A Pennsylvania resident, poor Brad has been pelted again and again (and again!) by snowstorm after snowstorm. Winter has been relentless, and we know that Brad is looking forward to a Florida escape by attending WordCamp Miami. Of course, he’s also looking forward to the sessions and hallway tracks that make up every WordCamp event.
“I’m most looking forward to the people at WordCamp Miami! Organizers, David Bisset and Ptah ‘PIRATE’ Dunbar, are good friends of mine; so, I can’t wait to catch up with them,” exclaims Brad. “I’m also looking forward to seeing many other friends from the community, as well as making new friends, at the event this year. Miami is a very engaging community and they are quick to welcome everyone with open arms and a mojito!”
While Brad generally sticks to the hallway track, the WordCamp Miami event schedule is absolutely amazing. For example, a Kids Camp takes place Saturday and Sunday and includes STEAM/STEM activities. Small business owners who have yet to set themselves up online will appreciate the daylong eCommerce workshop taking place on Friday. Other sessions to note include “A Drupaler’s First Year In WordPress” by Mauricio Dinarte and “How to Get Involved in Open Source Communities” by Karla Campos.
“I have a number of friends presenting, and overall, the topics cover a wide range of hot WordPress related material,” Brad explains. “I have always said WordCamp Miami is one of the best WordCamps out there, so I’m super excited to celebrate this huge 10-year anniversary milestone with the Miami WordPress community!”
It will be an exciting event, for sure. Keep up with @wordcampmiami on Twitter and follow the hashtag #WCMIA. You can also like the WordCamp’s Facebook page and follow on Instagram, too.
Brad is taking over WDS Twitter for WordCamp Miami. Follow us at @webdevstudios and Brad will tweet live from the event. If you see him at WordCamp Miami, don’t hesitate to say hello. Find out which event WDS will be attending next by visiting the WDS Gives Back page.