After a six-year hiatus, WordCamp Detroit is back and better than ever! Taking place this weekend on April 28, 2018, this WordCamp comeback is going to set off with a bang by featuring speakers like Tessa Kreisel of Pantheon, Brian Richards, the creator of WPSessions, and our very own Lead Backend Developer Kellen Mace.

Kellen will first participate in a panel discussion “Intro to Gutenberg Development,” then later speak on “How to Build Your First Gutenberg Block,” where attendees will learn how to write a WordPress plugin that registers custom Gutenberg blocks and build out those blocks to provide an instant preview/feedback as they’re being edited in the wp-admin, as well as how to render them on the front end of the site. How cool is that?
“I hope attendees get excited about the great editing experience they can create for users of their websites,” says Kellen. “I also hope folks come away from the sessions with a basic knowledge of what Gutenberg is capable of and how to build both static and dynamic content blocks.”
Aside from his own participation and sessions, Kellen is also looking forward to the featured mini Gutenberg track. According to him, attendees interested in learning about Gutenberg would do well to attend all three seminars included in that track.
“The day starts with an introduction to Gutenberg, followed by my session on how to build your first Gutenberg block, and finally a panel discussion for Q&A regarding the new block editor,” Kellen elaborates. Other sessions that Kellen recommends are “How to build themes using the WordPress REST API” by Anthony Montalbano, “Field Guide to Caring for a Developer v2.0” by Allison Tarr, and Kim Kaiser’s talk on using Amazon domain sharding for hosting WP site images. Check out the full list of WordCamp Detroit sessions here.
If you spot Kellen at the event, don’t hesitate to ask him to take a selfie with you. He’s not shy. But if you miss out on this WordCamp comeback, you can still keep up with the action by following @WordCampDetroit or the hashtag #wcdet on Twitter. Find out where WebDevStudios is headed next by visiting our WDS Gives Back page.