Company News

May We Celebrate Another Five for the Future?

It’s May and we’re celebrating another Five for the Future day tomorrow, Friday, May 29, 2020. That means that WebDevStudios (WDS) is dedicating an entire workday to giving back to WordPress.

WDS believes in giving back. That’s always been a part of our culture and vision. Co-Founders, COO and CEO, Lisa Sabin-Wilson and Brad Williams, respectively, are passionate about giving back. Our WDS family, from engineering to project management, business development to our support team at Maintainn, agree. When possible, we all try to participate in our efforts to donate time to the WordPress community and core in a variety of ways, such as captioning WordCamp talks, working on WordPress Core support tickets, or developing a free plugin.

Last month, our Five for the Future day took place on April 24th. Below is a sample of the contributions our team made. Keep up with our activities tomorrow by following WDS on Twitter, along with the hashtag #5ftf. Thank you for your support.



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