It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it. Give back to the world at least what you’ve received.
-Albert Einstein
WordPress gives us so much—the freedom to build and share our voices along with a community to support our efforts. With that said, for those of us passionate about and using open-source technology, shouldn’t we give back? That’s what WebDevStudios (WDS) will be doing tomorrow, August 28th, for Five for the Future. WDS is devoting the entire workday to giving back to WordPress.
The team at our WordPress agency enjoys the opportunity to contribute to WordPress in various ways, such as developing a free, useful plugin or tackling support tickets. Heck, we’ve even been known to give back to WordPress by contributing to the core. With Five for the Future, anyone can give back to WordPress after having received so much from it. That includes you! For inspiration, take a look below at what our team contributed during last month’s Five for the Future Friday, which took place July 31st.
We hope you’ll make time to give back to WordPress, too. When you do, be sure to share your contributions and use the hashtag #5ftf. Follow WebDevStudios on Twitter to see how we’re giving back tomorrow.
It’s #5ftf and I’m gonna be trying to create a Gutenberg block using the Discogs api!
— Chrispian H. Burks (@chrispian) July 31, 2020
I have a working version that connects @LocalWP 5.x sites to @TablePlus at the click of a button! Had to figure out a few work-arounds, but what would #5ftf be without some hacking! Expect an update soon on a release, need to test and figure out how to get it on the addons page!
— Aubrey Portwood (@aubreypwd) July 31, 2020
It’s #5ftf day again @webdevstudios and that means 1 whole day of giving back to the community. And today I’ll try to rework to make it easier to understand all the mumbo jumbo #COVID19PH reporting
— JC Palmes (@jpalmes) July 31, 2020
#WordPress trac. Where I spend almost every #5ftf at @webdevstudios. If you want to learn how to contribute to WordPress, check out
— Michael Joseph Panaga (@_micmico) July 31, 2020
Specials thanks to @webdevstudios for allowing all of us at WDS to give back to the community that provides so much for us. On today’s #5FTF I’ll be working on a PHP Scoper tutorial on how to make plugins with composer dependencies more portable.
— Scott Anderson (@thriftydev) July 31, 2020
Woot! #5ftf day @webdevstudios . I'm polishing off my site; send me some links to your favourite @WordPress-powered sites!
— Oliver Harrison (@positivebias) July 31, 2020
Today for #5ftf I'm working on an open sourced Gutenberg block that pulls a random image from Unsplash so you can focus on writing! Thanks for the opportunity @webdevstudios!
— Amor Kumar (@itsAmorEh) July 31, 2020
Ending #5FTF @webdevstudios, @salcode and I made progress and were able to write some tests with components using WP Scripts. Day 96 of #100DaysOfCode, I built out additional controls on my Image Sorcery App. I have some performance improvements to add to fix multiple filters.
— Mike England (@mikelikethebike) July 31, 2020
It's #5ftf at @webdevstudios , and i'm working on a Metal Lyric and Band Info Search Block, it's really fun and I'm glad that I have the time to work on it!, wanna take a look? it's still a WIP
— I’m Alfredo. (@3LPU4S) July 31, 2020
It's #5ftf at @WebDevStudios. I'm totally psyched to continue working on my thesaurus (gutenberg) block. I'll be learning some things about Gutenberg and React along the way. Happy Friday!
— Marty O’Connor (@martinjdolan) July 31, 2020
Trying my hand at a lot of React and Gutenberg/Block development for various WebDevStudios products for my #5FTF #5ftf today.
— Macho Pirate Mick Rackam (@tw2113) July 31, 2020
One of the things I love about planning events in the #WordPress community is all the people I get to meet and chat with. It's even better when I get a whole work day to focus on these amazing people! #5ftf @webdevstudios @maintainn
— Christina Workman – WP Contributor (@AmethystAnswers) July 31, 2020