
First Five for the Future in 2021

The times may be unprecedented but WebDevStudios’ (WDS) dedication to giving back to WordPress is not! After donating over 1400 hours to Five for the Future in 2020, we are still at it with no end in sight.

This Friday, January 29th, our team is dedicating the entire workday to giving back to WordPress by spending time on plugin development, taking on support tickets, captioning videos of WordCamp talks, and other WordPress-related activities.

If you’re new to the scene and don’t know what Five for the Future is, we think you should start by visiting the Five for the Future landing page at WordPress.org. There, you can get a better sense of the importance of this initiative, as well as learn about those companies and individuals participating in this effort. YOU can participate, too. Read about some ideas on our blog.

Get a gander at some of the ways WDS contributed to Five for the Future last month. Feel free to join us tomorrow, or simply keep up with our contributions by following the hashtag #5ftf on Twitter.


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