As the first month of 2022 nears its end, WebDevStudios remains dedicated to making the web a better place. Our client list and team are growing, our brand is evolving, and we are preparing for some upcoming events. Already? Yes, already!
Keep reading for the latest in WebDevStudios company news.
CPTUI Nears Another Milestone
While our most popular plugin isn’t quite there yet, we’re too excited to wait to share this amazing company news. Custom Post Type UI (CPTUI) is nearing 10,000,000 all-time downloads.
You read that right—ten million downloads!
It was just last May that WebDevStudios (WDS) celebrated CPTUI achieving 1,000,000 active installations. Soon, we’ll have another milestone to commemorate. When we reach it, we will announce it here.
WebDevStudios Goes Headless
It’s time to drink our own champagne.
Our WordPress agency can’t stop talking about headless technology. We’ve blogged about it. We presented a webinar on Headless WordPress in October. And now, the WebDevStudios website is going headless, too.
WDS Co-Founders, Brad Williams and Lisa Sabin-Wilson, announced last week that will be relaunched with a new look and as a fully decoupled setup.
Stay tuned for more on this piece of extraordinary company news.
Upcoming Events
Yup. Events are still happening. Nowadays, we’ve become accustomed to them happening virtually, but WordPress events still continue to be a great source of information and inspiration.
WordFest Live

First, it’s one of our favorites—WordFest Live. This festival of WordPress is happening March 4, 2022.
Sessions and speakers have been announced. Among them is WDS Website Specialist, Christina Workman, whose talk is titled “Colouring for Relaxation (Yes, You Can!).”
Christina’s session will occur at 7:15 p.m. UTC. Register at WordFest Live’s website.
Post Status Twitter Conference
Post Status just announced their first-ever Twitter conference. Taking place May 24, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST, the event is now accepting applications from presenters.
It’s too soon to tell if WDS will have any team members presenting at the event, but we know for sure some of us will be in attendance. We’re saving the date. You should, too.
WordCamp Asia

Consider this a tease. WDS Senior Frontend Engineer, JC Palmes, is one of the lead organizers for WordCamp Asia. According to her, team members for WordCamp Asia are being recruited.
A call for additional volunteers will go out soon. Dates for the event have not been announced.
WebDevStudios Is Hiring!
Did you know when you work for WDS, you can work from anywhere in the world? That’s because we operate as a 100% distributed team.
WDS is currently recruiting for:
We’re also searching for Backend Engineers to join our team. WDS is looking to fulfill such a role with a preferred schedule of 3pm-11pm ET (8pm-4am UTC) or 11pm-7am ET (4am-12pm UTC).
Please browse our Careers page to see all of our job listings. Apply online today.