Company News

Don’t Be Scared! It’s Five for the Future

It’s frightfully delightful. Tomorrow, October 28th, WebDevStudios (WDS) is pivoting our attention from client projects to giving back to WordPress. We’re excited for another Five for the Future (5FTF) Friday.

Our team is spending the entire workday developing plugins, addressing support tickets in the WordPress Forum, contributing to the Core, and just doing anything we can to make the web a better place. Take a look at some of the fun contributions we made last month.


If you have never participated in 5FTF before, take some time to read up on what it’s about and how you can get involved. The best thing about WordPress isn’t the technology. It’s the community. Being an active member of it makes WordPress grow and improve every day.

Follow WDS and the hashtag #5FTF tomorrow on Twitter because we love to tweet how we’re contributing. Lastly, if you need advice and inspiration on implementing a Five for the Future at your company or organization, watch the webinar below. It’s chockful of helpful information.


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