
Reflecting on 2024 as a WordPress Development Agency

As we look back on the past year, we’ve witnessed many changes in WordPress and the world around us as a WordPress Development Agency. WebDevStudios has evolved in the last year, strengthening our relationships and integrating new technologies and processes, including the launch of our block theme, WDS BT. We also reflect on all the connections and friends we have made in the WordPress community and our commitment to open source. We are grateful for you! This year has been one of growth, challenge, iteration, and reflection. Overall, it’s been a good one!

We remain committed to providing innovative WordPress website solutions to high-performing organizations. Our most recent project is the launch of Freeman.com. You are likely familiar with Freeman if you have attended, presented, or sponsored large conferences and events. They deliver “unforgettable experiences that create meaningful connections” worldwide (and may have plugged in the monitor at your showroom booth). As an event company, they remind us of the importance of making connections as as a WordPress Development Agency.

Creating Connections at WebDevStudios

As a fully distributed WordPress Development Agency, we strive to create connections at WebDevStudios through our projects and communications, especially with our people—the clients, WordPress community partners, and team members who hold us accountable for our success. Our company culture encourages us to put forth our best efforts as we seek solutions while having fun and positively impacting each other’s lives. We celebrate this commitment throughout the year with special events in December.

Reaching Beyond the WordPress Community with the WebDevStudios Charity Challenge

Every year, WebDevStudios seeks ways to give back to charities. Last year, our team supported OLPC, a one-laptop-per-child initiative. This year, team members donated their time, effort, and funds to charities of their choice, connecting to local and global organizations they care about. So far this year, recipients have included Fallout for Hope for St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Open Sourcing Mental Illness (OSMI), the Carmel NJ Volunteer Fire Department, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Phoenix Rescue Mission, Live & Learn, Harvest Compassion Center, “blessing bags” assembled for the homeless community in AZ, clothing donations in PA, IDE, Gathering Humanity, and Childhelp, With several weeks left in December, this list will likely grow, and we encourage you to click on one of the links above to further our efforts with your donation!

Connecting Through Activities as a WordPress Development Agency

As we come together to help others, we also strengthen our internal connections as an organization through our December happy hour, Festivus tree contest, ugly sweater competition, and company-wide gift exchange. It’s a joyful time at WebDevStudios, a time to look back and enjoy one another as we reflect on our relationships and how we can serve one another. We hope you also enjoy the holiday spirit. While our service never stops, our offices will be closed on December 25 and January 1, allowing our team members time with their families and friends.


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