Over the past few months WebDevStudios has been contemplating hiring some new employees to help with our growing workload.  We are proud to say that we already had a great team that produced great work and there’s more to finding someone new than just picking a resume out of a hat.

After a lot of hard work and many discussions we are proud to announce the newest member of the WDS team, Justin Sternberg! Justin comes from North Carolina and has a background in house painting, print design and web design. Justin is not only a great designer, but we think fits in great with the rest of the zany bunch here at WDS. 🙂

Be sure to check out Justin’s new team bio and feel free to read up on the rest of our team too!


8 thoughts on “WDS Has a New Designer!

  1. Uh oh, what did I get myself into? I didn’t know you were a “zany bunch!” j/k I would never take that away from you. 🙂

    Seriously, thanks WDS for the warm welcome! Glad to be here!

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