Over the past few months WebDevStudios has been contemplating hiring some new employees to help with our growing workload. We are proud to say that we already had a great team that produced great work and there’s more to finding someone new than just picking a resume out of a hat.
After a lot of hard work and many discussions we are proud to announce the newest member of the WDS team, Justin Sternberg! Justin comes from North Carolina and has a background in house painting, print design and web design. Justin is not only a great designer, but we think fits in great with the rest of the zany bunch here at WDS. 🙂
Be sure to check out Justin’s new team bio and feel free to read up on the rest of our team too!
Woot! Welcome to the team Justin.
Huge congrats Justin! even more for the WDS team!
Welcome Justin!
Uh oh, what did I get myself into? I didn’t know you were a “zany bunch!” j/k I would never take that away from you. 🙂
Seriously, thanks WDS for the warm welcome! Glad to be here!
“zany” is a nice way of putting it! haha 😛
Welcome to the team Justin!
Hey Justin Looks like WDS is a great place to work. Wish I knew more about WP.
It is a great place to work… and if you’re looking to find out more about WP, you’re in the right place!