
WDS Welcomes Nate Schaumburg!

schaumburgWDS is proud to announce our newest team member, Nate Schaumburg! He will be joining as a Front-End developer.

Nate, a native of Wisconsin, has been developing websites since 2004. In 2007, he discovered WordPress and began developing themes as a hobby and for freelance work. He has worked with top theme developers from and looks forward to working on great client projects for WebDevStudios.

Prior to web development, Nate was an aviation enthusiast. He has flight hours in both single engine planes and gliders.

For fun, Nate develops free themes for the platform. He also enjoys going to the shooting range. You can follow Nate’s love of WordPress on Twitter.

We are excited to have Nate joining the team and can’t wait to see what awesomeness he will add to our amazing team!


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