
‘Tis the Season for Holiday Charity Fundraising!

Since 2014, WebDevStudios (WDS) has participated in holiday charity fundraising, either by raising money company-wide or by creating a charity challenge in which teams compete to raise the most money for their selected nonprofit. Here are our charity fundraising stats from 2014 to 2016:

  • $2,390 donated to Code for Progress
  • $1,160 donated to Open Sourcing Mental Illness
  • $435 donated to Able Gamers
  • $3,246 donated to Freedom Projectz
  • $3,375 donated to CodeStarter
  • $1,616 donated to Electronics Frontier Foundation
  • $1,400 donated to Girl Develop It

That means that in total, WDS has raised $13,622 for nonprofit charities during the holidays. But we’re not done. This year, WDS has once again opted for a charity challenge (we’re a rather competitive group of folks), splitting the company into two teams. What’s different about this year’s charity challenge, though, is that the two charities we’ve chosen to raise money for are our very own clients: Integrity House and Loveisrespect. Now that you know our chosen charities, let’s talk team names. (Drum roll, please.)

Raising money for Integrity House is… Team Festivus!


And introducing Team Humble Bumble, who will be collecting funds for Loveisrespect!

The WDS holiday charity challenge officially began December 1st and ends at 11:59 p.m. on December 31st. You can participate, too! Just visit the You Caring page for your favorite team to donate. (Or, heck! Donate to both teams. Why not?)

To donate funds to Integrity House via Team Festivus, click here.

To donate funds to Loveisrespect via Team Humble Bumble, click here.

WDS loves to give back. Thank you for joining us in our cause. We wish you a spectacular holiday season.



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