Since 2014, WebDevStudios (WDS) has participated in holiday charity fundraising, either by raising money company-wide or by creating a charity challenge in which teams compete to raise the most money for their selected nonprofit. Here are our charity fundraising stats from 2014...
Read More ‘Tis the Season for Holiday Charity Fundraising!Tag: Charity
We Hosted a Charity Challenge and Everybody Won
Technically, there actually is one official winner of the WebDevStudios Charity Challenge, which took place over the recent holiday season. But when you consider that three teams competed and raised almost $3,000 for charity, well, really, everybody won. Add to that, WebDevStudios (WDS) is...
Read More We Hosted a Charity Challenge and Everybody WonHoliday Charity Challenge
WebDevStudios (WDS) believes in giving back. Between sharing knowledge and donating time at WordCamps, to Five for the Future, to raising money for charity during the holidays, WDS is up to doing good. This holiday season, we decided to make our charity...
Read More Holiday Charity ChallengeWDS Holiday Charity Competition!
With the holidays fast approaching, our team at WebDevStudios wanted to do something special that got everyone on our team into the holiday spirit, and into the spirit of giving! Each of our teams at WDS has chosen a charity that they...
Read More WDS Holiday Charity Competition!