
Five for the Future Friday for the Win!

Expect the Twitter accounts of our dedicated team to be lively tomorrow, August 30, 2019 with WordPress core and plugin contribution updates because it’s going to be a Five for the Future kind of day (#5ftf).

Five for the Future brings great excitement to our virtual offices. WebDevStudios (WDS) has been an active participant of #5ftf since 2104, when Matt Mullenweg suggested that WordPress companies, “…dedicate 5% of their people to working on something to do with coreโ€”be it development, documentation, security, support forums, theme reviews, training, testing, translation or whatever it might be that helps move WordPress mission forward.”

Many would agree that part of what makes WordPress so special is that its open-source model gives everyone the opportunity to be a part of something fantastic. So when we dedicate a full workday to being involved with WordPress’ ability to move forward, we can’t but help do this:

Not only does a WDS-sponsored Five for the Future day allow us to give back to something we love, but it also provides us with the chance to stumble upon solutions to challenges and share those experiences with you. In fact, WDS Backend Engineer, Evan Hildreth, recently blogged about how he found an oEmbed fix during our last #5ftf day on August 2nd. How cool is that?

So, take some time to check out what our team accomplished that day by viewing the tweets below. You don’t have to work at WDS to participate in Five for the Future. Here are some ideas for you to get involved. And if you do want to work for us, well, guess what. You can! Take a look at our Careers page. We have a handful of job opportunities for you to consider. Maybe you can join us for our next Five for the Future day.

Celebrate Five for the Future along with us tomorrow. Follow us on Twitter and keep up with the hashtag #5ftf.


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