
Another Five for the Future in Our Forecast

Not only are rising summer temperatures in the forecast as July comes to an end, but there is another Five for the Future Friday scheduled in ours. Tomorrow, the final day of July, WebDevStudios (WDS) will devote the day to giving back to WordPress. This open-source platform continues to evolve, with a new release set to launch next month, and the team at WDS enjoys being a part of that evolution and the community behind it.

While the mission of our WordPress agency is the success of our clients, WDS team members appreciate being able to take a day to step away from projects and do something to help improve and strengthen the power of WordPress, which, in turn, also benefits our clients and all who own and use WordPress websites. The whole point behind Five for the Future is to donate 5% of company time to WordPress. Our team does this in a myriad of ways, including:

  • Contributing to the WordPress core
  • Developing a free plugin
  • Creating a WordPress Meetup or WordCamp talk
  • Organizing a WordPress Meetup or WordCamp
  • Captioning a WordCamp talk

Take a look at how our team contributed last month. Follow WDS on Twitter and the hashtag #5ftf to see how we contribute tomorrow. Cheers to another Five for the Future!


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