
‘Tis the Season for Five for the Future

We can’t let the holidays get in the way of participating in Five for the Future this month. In fact, what better time of year to contribute to WordPress than during the holiday season? Open-source technology is the gift that keeps on giving, and WebDevStudios (WDS) is proud to be a part of that.

So, let’s celebrate the holidays by giving back. This Thursday, on the day of Christmas Eve, WDS proudly celebrates another Five for the Future by dedicating the entire workday to contributing to the WordPress core and community. It’s our final Five for the Future day of 2020, and we’re on track to having donated over 1400 hours to this WordPress initiative.

Take a look below at some of the ways we participated in Five for the Future last month. Keep up with this Thursday’s contributions by following the hashtag #5ftf on Twitter. Thank you for your continued support, and have a happy holiday season.


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