
Huge WordPress Economy Growth Predicted by Global Study

The results of a global study commissioned by WordPress managed host, WP Engine, were released last Tuesday, June 8th. “The Value of WordPress” study showed the global WordPress economy is expected to grow to $636 billion by the end of 2021. That’s an increase from $596 billion in 2020.

The study examined both the economic value of the WordPress ecosystem and the social impact of its community of open-source developers, agencies, and users—all of whom make WordPress the powerful, easy-to-use platform it is today. A stunning group of more than 100 collaborators, such as hosts, plugin and theme developers, and WordPress agencies, including WebDevStudios (WDS), acted as valuable resources for this study.

This is a slide image with the WordPress logo in the background and the following text: "The economic value of the WordPress ecosystem: $596.54B. Forecasted to be $635.59B by the end of 2021."

“It was a thrill to participate in WP Engine’s WordPress economy study,” says Lisa Sabin-Wilson, WDS COO. “As the leading and fastest growing CMS in the world, it’s important to see the impact of this technology and its accelerated growth. ‘The Value of WordPress’ study clearly shows the power of WordPress and its ability to provide an incredible business platform for any size corporation.”

“As no reliable benchmark valuation of the WordPress economy currently exists, we needed to innovate a methodology and solution for arriving at a reliable valuation,” says Dr. Chris Brauer Director of Innovation in the Institute of Management Studies (IMS) at Goldsmiths, University of London, who carried out this research. “In this process we created a model that not only accounted for WordPress’ financial value, but also measured the intangible contribution from the open source community and external factors that are beyond the market’s control such as the pandemic.”

Probably one of the most impressive facts to come out of “The Value of WordPress” is this: if WordPress was its own country, its economy would rank 39th in the world, according to the International Monetary Fund list of countries by gross domestic product. From a revenue standpoint, the impact of WordPress is outstanding and not diminishing in any way, shape, or form.

To see the complete results of the study, go to WP Engine’s Resource Center and read “The Value of WordPress: The World’s First Study of the WordPress Economy.” To learn more WebDevStudios and our commitment to WordPress and open-source technology, visit our website and read about our WordPress services.


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